
'I'm 52 years old and have been training for the last 4 years with Tandem CrossFit.
Prior to becoming a Tandem CrossFit member I considered myself healthy and active as I was a regular surfer, free diver, indoor rock climber, I also participated in gym/strength & conditioning training together with various casual sporting activities.
I have 2 teenage sons and wanted to remain fit and strong so I could continue to undertake activities with them. I also wanted to maintain good mental and physical well-being especially as I also have a sedentary office job.
One of the many things which attracted me to CrossFit (particularly TandEm CrossFit) was that the coaching provided far superior and much more hands-on than I'd encountered with other gyms in their strength & conditioning-group training sessions.
All the TandEm coaches are really knowledgeable, enthusiastic and ensure you always do only what is right and best for you (known as  scaling). TandEm's coaches also provide excellent supervision and mentoring when they aren't coaching, they regularly join-in various classes and lead by example!
Whilst there is a great range of ages, skills and levels of fitness with TandEm CrossFit members they were welcoming from the outset and it's great to feel part of a ‘team’ whenever you’re working out or undertaking any activities.
Another important aspect I enjoy about Tandem CrossFit is the friendliness, support and genuine camaraderie between of all the members. I'm pleased to say that I've now also made some new, lifelong friends at Tandem with whom we also undertake other activities such as surfing and diving together.
Furthermore we liaise before classes, particularly supporting and encouraging each other during the activities (commonly known as ‘workouts of the day’ or WODs) and its a bonus to then also being able to sit around and chat afterwards (also conveniently having some food and drink at their adjoining Wooden Spoon Café ) or just generally talk on the floor is another wonderful community aspect of being a member at Tandem.
Coming back to myself - whilst I thought I was relatively fit, strong & athletic - what I have been able to be pushed to do, achieve and better become over the last 4 years as a result of Tandem CrossFit is that:  
- I have learnt arrange of new physical skills and abilities; including gymnastics and calisthenics
- I’m far more capable with little to no injuries ever (and certainly never caused by CrossFit),
- I can now surf up to 3 hours non-stop and twice a day, when the surf is good
-I can run for 5 km without stopping; and
- I have far greater balance, agility and endurance than I ever expected in 50 years of age!
I will be doing CrossFit for the rest of my life and consider being a Tandem CrossFit member an integral, ongoing part of  that.

To who and where do i send the details to?